Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Three art exhibits not to be missed

There some spectacular things in the art world going on right now. If you have the time and inclination, here are a few noteworthy exhibits that would be worth your while to check out, even if its online.

1.      Multiple Exposures: Jewelry and Photography” is a hybrid mix of two genres that one would not think could be joined together in any sort of coherent way, but I think these artists did a spectacular job of blending photography and jewelry together. This museum exhibit explores how contemporary jewelry artists can create an inspiring object d’art by transforming with new meaning to the vestiges of the digital age, including daguerreotypes as well as manipulated digital images. The exhibit has drawn over 80 renowned artists from over 20 countries. These pieces seek to inspire us to explore how we see beauty as well as examining the social, political, and cultural arena. The exhibit runs from May 13, 2014 to September 14, 2014 in New York. For more information go to

2.      Well, to be fair, these are not really an “exhibit” but they are really cool. While the incredible 3-D images listed here were etched in the sands of New Zealand (Jamie Harkins, Chili (Constanza Nightingale) and France (David Rendu); it is possible for anyone with access to the smooth sands of a beach to attempt a feat. If not,  make a nice little sand castle before the tide comes in. For more pictures, visit The Huffington Post.

3.      'ThePeople, the Park, the Ornament' is an exhibition in London, which runs from 01 May - 21 June 2014 by American artist, Elizabeth Neel. The artist describes her work as “visual studies in controlled chaos,” and these new paintings and sculptures center around her interest in psychological themes as well as the  “friction” between individuals and  “landscape,” whether this landscape is natural, urban, ideological or emotional. Through three-dimensional planes, that incorporate wood, steel, cast objects, clay and color, these sculptures examine her concerns with innate passions in creation. For more information, go to 
 Thanks for Visiting-Mariehelena.

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