Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How to Make a Mixed Media Collage in One Day

Mixed media refers to works of art that combine
different painting or drawing media but also includes the use of other materials such as cardboard, paper, photography, prints, collage materials. Being able to combine painting and drawing along with other genres is one of the wonderful things about the medium. Using it can help with the creative processes and open up the imagination. Mixing up the media is a great way to enhance one's awareness of a particular medium especially if you are not familiar with its use and to find new ways of using the familiar mediums.

For the framing part of this piece I used some discarded cardboard from a game. I liked the neat little boxes and it was quite heavy, enough to hold paint.
discarded cardboard from game
As a backing, I used three different sheets of decorative paper, such as you buy for scrapbooking.I cut them out, using the frame as a guide, placing them onto heavy weight paper backing, using varnish.

traced the squares onto a white sheet
Using clear varnish, I placed this sheet onto a piece of chip-board cut to the size of the frame, alternating to give it a varied look.

Place the cutouts onto the white paper

I used several different shades of brown for the frame part.After it dried, I added a second layer of printed pictures, using cardboard to give them a raised look.

added raised pictures and bits of jewelry

After this I placed bits of old jewelry and glued them down, then adding a layer of varnish again. Lastly I used small black lettering to add to each box, trying to make the words fit whatever the picture was. 

I found quite a few sites online about mixed media and I found Create Mixed Media to be helpful and interesting. I hope you liked my info! Drop me a line at my email: If the link doesn't work, try copying it and putting it into the address bar. Thanks for stopping by!

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